
Translation integration via GlobalLink Connect Cloud

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Manual Test Steps

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  1. Prepare
  2. General Advice for Manual Test Steps Within CoreMedia Studio


  1. Contract Test
  2. Happy Path
  3. General Error Handling
  4. Cancelation
  5. Wrong Or Invalid Connector Key Recovery
  6. GCC Backend Error Handling (Submission Error State)
  7. XLIFF Import Error Handling
  8. Redelivered State Handling


Adjust GlobalLink-Settings within settings document at /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink for quicker feedback during manual test-steps as well as to access the relevant sandbox via corresponding credentials:

  # [... other settings]
  # key (type: String)
  # Adjust either for automatic or manual GCC processing. To ease
  # switching keys, hold them in the prepared extra Struct
  # at `additionalConfigurationOptions.exampleKeys` for an easy copy & paste:
  key: "..."
  # apiKey (type: String)
  # Only used for testing. Otherwise, expected to be set via Spring for
  # security reasons.
  apiKey: "..."
  # type (type: String)
  # Adjust to "default" for processing at GCC backend or "mock" for manual
  # processing. See also: `additionalConfigurationOptions.availableTypes`.
  type: "default"
  # isSendSubmitter (type: Boolean)
  # Adjust to `true` to send the submitter with the request.
  isSendSubmitter: false
  # Section: Timing Adjustments — Get Faster Feedback on Manual Test Steps
  # Despite `retryCommunicationErrors`, which just needs to be adjusted,
  # find copy & paste ready values for the other settings in the
  # `additionalConfigurationOptions` Struct.
  sendTranslationRequestRetryDelay: 60
  downloadTranslationRetryDelay: 60
  cancelTranslationRetryDelay: 60
  retryCommunicationErrors: 1
  # Section: Submission Instruction Type Settings
    # [...]
    # characterType (type: String)
    # Adjust to "unicode" to provoke errors in the GCC backend, as it does
    # not support SMP characters.
    characterType: "unicode"
    # [...]
    # characterType (type: String)
    # Adjust to "unicode" to provoke errors in the GCC backend, as it does
    # not support SMP characters.
    characterType: "unicode"
  # Section: Mock Settings
  # Referenced below, like to provoke errors are certain states.
    # [...]

General Advice for Manual Test Steps Within CoreMedia Studio

Test Matrix Template

The following table can be copied, to track your test results. Copy it to a suitable application (like your approval task issue, for example) and fill it with your results.

Scenario Connector Type Key Type Status Notes
Contract Test default automatic    
Happy Path default automatic    
General Error Handling default automatic    
Cancelation (Studio) default manual    
Cancelation (GlobalLink) default manual    
Cancelation (Error Handling) default manual    
Wrong/Invalid Connector Key default manual    
GCC Backend Error Handling mock irrelevant    
XLIFF Import Error Handling mock irrelevant    
Redelivered State Handling mock irrelevant    

Scenario: Contract Test

Especially on updates of gcc-restclient you should run the half-automatic test DefaultGCExchangeFacadeContractTest. Read the JavaDoc to know how to configure and run the test.

Lately, when using the automatic workflow, the submission is not marked as DELIVERED anymore. This is why the translateXliff test fails. It seems to work with the manual workflow though.

Set Up

To run the test you need to create a file with the name in your user home folder

Manual Review

Please review the following aspects in the management dashboard of GlobalLink manually (all submissions created by this test should have a name starting with CT and a timestamp).


The test shouldRespectInstructions should have created submissions with so-called “submission instructions” (in the workflow: “Notes”) for these scenarios (by ID):


The test shouldRespectSubmitter should have created submissions with overridden submitter names (thus, must be different to the account username). Three submissions should be visible:

Scenario: Happy Path

Quick Steps

  1. Log in as Rick C.
  2. Use globalLink.type=default and the “automatic” connector key.
  3. Link two articles A → B.
  4. Start a translation workflow for the article A.
  5. Validate the start workflow window to show no issues and to have a due date set 20 days from now.
  6. Start the workflow.
  7. In the Workflow App, see how information are continuously updated, like the state, the submission ID, and the completed locales.
  8. Wait until the user-task “Review delivered translation” is offered to you.
  9. Validate that the target articles have received an updated (pseudo-)translation.

Detailed Steps

  1. User Rick: Log in as Rick C.

  2. Adjust Settings: Settings to adjust/verify in /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink:

      key: "<automatic workflow connector key>"
      apiKey: "..."
      type: "default"
      dayOffsetForDueDate: 20
      isSendSubmitter: true
      # Adjusted retry settings, see above for details.
      # [...]
  3. Article A: Create an article A and remove validation issues.

  4. Article B:Create an article B and remove validation issues.

  5. A → B: Create a link from the article A to the article B.

  6. Start Workflow Window: Trigger starting the workflow and validate the default values:

    1. No Issues: There should be no warnings or errors
    2. Due Date: Field Due Date should be set to the current date/time plus 20 days
    3. Dependent Content: Article B should be added as dependent content.
    4. Notes: Add some text to the field Notes.
  7. Start Workflow: Click “Start”

    1. The dialog should close without any error
    2. A nagbar should appear in the document form, stating that the documents are being translated.
  8. Workflow App: Navigate to the workflow details within the Workflow App.

  9. Workflow Details (In Progress): In the workflow’s detail view, validate:

    1. After some time, Status, Submission ID, and Due Date should be shown.
    2. As long as the workflow is in “Running”, field “Completed Locales” should display “0 Locales”.
  10. Workflow Details (Done, Review): Later in the workflow’s detail view, validate:

    1. The “Status” field should display “Delivered”
    2. The “Completed Locales” field should display the target locales of the workflow
    3. When clicking on the translated content, it should open in language comparison view in CoreMedia Studio.
    4. The text is expected to be pseudo-translated (behavior provided by the GCC backend).
  11. Finish Workflow: In the Workflow App, click “Accept Task”, “Next Step”, “Finish Content Localization”, and “Yes, continue”

    1. The workflow should disappear from “Open”
    2. The workflow should appear in “Closed”

In addition to the above steps and in addition to the results from the contract test, you may want to review in GCC Management Dashboard:

Scenario: General Error Handling

  1. Log in as Rick C.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink
    1. type is set to default
    2. Credentials for gcc are entered (manual workflow key)
  3. Break it: Change the apiKey to something wrong, for example, add a - (minus) to the beginning.

  4. Start a translation workflow for an article.

  5. Wait for the workflow to appear in Workflow App’s “Open” workflows

    1. The icon should be a warning sign
    2. The “Current Task” in Workflow App’s detail view should be “Upload Error”
  6. Click “Accept Task” and “Next Step”

    1. You have the ability to “Abort and rollback changes” or “Continue and retry”
    2. A click on “Abort and rollback changes” should perform a rollback of the content (if you perform that you need to redo steps above)
  7. Set apiKey in GlobalLink settings to its valid value and click “Continue and retry”

  8. Open the workflow’s details in the Workflow App and wait for this state before you continue:

    1. The status should change to “Translate”.
    2. The “Submission ID” should be set.
  9. Set apiKey in GlobalLink settings to something wrong again.

  10. Wait for the task to change to “Download Error”.

  11. Accept the task.

    1. Validate available options when pressing “Next” are:
      1. Abort and rollback changes
      2. Continue and retry
  12. Select “Abort and rollback changes” (which will subsequently try to trigger a cancelation at GlobalLink).

  13. Wait for the current task to change to “Cancelation Error”.

    1. The icon should signal a warning.
  14. Accept the task.

    1. Validate available options when pressing “Next” are:

      1. Abort and rollback without canceling at GlobalLink
      2. Retry cancelation
      3. Continue translation
  15. Set apiKey in GlobalLink settings to its valid value.

  16. Choose “Continue translation”

  17. The workflow should end without errors and appear in Closed.

Scenario: Cancelation

Cancelation in Studio

  1. Log in as Rick C.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink

    1. type is set to default
    2. Credentials for gcc are entered (manual workflow key)
  3. Start a translation for an article.

  4. Select the started translation in the control-room.

  5. Click the “X” in the header bar and confirm the dialog.

  6. Open the “Closed” area in the Workflow App.

  7. Wait for the translation process to appear in “Closed”.

  8. Check:

    1. The “Status” field should display “Canceled”
    2. The icon should mark the workflow as canceled (little “x” on the bottom right)
  1. Log in as Rick C.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink

    1. type is set to default
    2. Credentials for gcc are entered (manual workflow key)
  3. Start a translation for an article.

    It is recommended to set a distinguishable name for the workflow, to better locate in the next step.

  4. Log in to the GlobalLink Management Dashboard and cancel the workflow.

    The “Cancel” button used to be in the upper right corner of the opened submission.

  5. Go back to the Workflow App

    1. After a while, the workflow should appear in Rick’s “Open” workflows
    2. When accepting the task, Rick can only choose to abort and rollback the previous changes and accept the cancelation.
    3. Choose “Abort and rollback changes”.
  6. Open the “Closed” area and open the canceled workflow.

    1. Field “Status” should display “Canceled”
    2. The icon should mark the workflow as canceled (little “x” on the bottom right)

Cancelation Error Handling

The following test is about the error handling of a cancelation, as well as it includes testing UI behaviors for multi-selection.

  1. Log in as Rick C.

    Required to use Rick C here, as Adam, for example, will not be able to do the multi-selection test, as local translations will appear in “Open” section for Adam.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink

    1. type is set to default
    2. Credentials for gcc are entered (manual workflow key)
  3. Start three translation workflows for the same article:

    1. Start a GlobalLink Translation Workflow two times.
    2. Start a default Blueprint translation workflow.
  4. Control Room: Check the multi-selection behavior of the “X” in the header bar:

    1. If all selected translations are of type “GlobalLink”, the “X” should be visible and activated.
    2. If one of the selected translations is not of type “GlobalLink”, the “X” should be hidden.
  5. Workflow App: Check the “X Cancel” option in the “Running” section of the Workflow App:

    1. If all selected translations are of type “GlobalLink”, the “X” should be visible and activated.
    2. If one of the selected translations is not of type “GlobalLink”, the “X” should be hidden.
  6. Break it:

    Consider to temporarily change the globalLink.retryCommunicationErrors to 2 to give you more time (120 seconds) to proceed with the next steps.

    Prepare to change, for example globalLink.apiKey to some invalid value like adding a - (minus) as first character. This will cause subsequent calls to GlobalLink to fail.

    Before that, either have your control-room open, or the workflow app in an extra window. For a single-screen setup, it is recommended to use the control-room.

    Do it: Now, break the connection to GlobalLink by changing the apiKey.

  7. Speed Mode, Step 1: Select both “Translation with GlobalLink” workflows and click the “X”. Acknowledge the dialog to proceed the cancelation.

  8. Speed Mode, Step 2: Check that already now, the “X” button/menu-entry is disabled.

    You may calm down now, as the following steps are not time-critical.

  9. Workflow App: Open one of the workflows.

  10. Wait for the workflow to reach the task named “Cancelation error”.

  11. Validate the following:

    1. The “Current Task” field should display “Cancelation Error”.
    2. The “Status” field should display “Canceled”.
    3. The icon should signal a warning.
  12. Click “Accept Task” and “Next Step”

    1. Validate options, that should be available:

      1. Abort and rollback without canceling at GlobalLink
      2. Retry cancelation
      3. Continue translation
    2. Click “Abort and rollback without canceling at GlobalLink” and open the target site’s document

      1. The document should remain in its previous version.
    3. Go back to the Workflow App overview

      1. The workflow should be moved from the “Running” to the “Closed” list
      2. The “Status” field in Workflow App’s overview should display “Workflow completed”
      3. The icon should mark the workflow as canceled (little “x” on the bottom right)

Scenario: Wrong Or Invalid Connector Key Recovery

This test is about a robustness layer introduced with 2406.1 approval: If during a running translation workflow you change the connector key (stored as globalLink.key) to another (but valid connector key), the workflow should be able to recover from that scenario ones the key is valid again. Also, if the key is invalid, the workflow should be able to recover from that scenario.

Quick Steps

  1. Log in as Rick C.
  2. Use default type, and the “manual” connector key.
  3. Start a translation of an article and wait for the submission ID to be retrieved.
  4. Change the connector key to “automatic”.
  5. See that error-handling-task is reached with an issue about an unknown submission.
  6. Change the connector key to an invalid key.
  7. Trigger retry.
  8. See that error-handling-task is reached with an issue about an invalid connector key.
  9. Set the connector key back to “manual”.
  10. Trigger retry.
  11. The workflow should continue polling the translation state without issues.

Detailed Steps

  1. Log in as Rick C.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink

    1. type is set to default
    2. Credentials for gcc are entered (manual workflow key)
  3. Start a translation for a given article.

  4. To Workflow App: Navigate, for example via the nagbar, to the Workflow App and wait until the workflow is in the “Translate” state (Current task: “Awaiting translation results”).

  5. Content App: Change the connector key to another valid key (thus, “automatic”).

  6. Workflow App: Wait until the current task changes to “Download Error”.

  7. Accept the task.

  8. Content App: Change the connector key to an invalid key, for example, prefix it with an additional 0.

  9. Workflow App: Click “Next Step”. Validate an error is shown about an unknown submission, triggered by our previous misconfiguration.

  10. Choose “Continue and retry”.

  11. Wait until the current task changes to “Download Error” again.

  12. Accept the task.

  13. Content App: Change the connector key back to our initial, valid key (thus, “manual”).

  14. Workflow App: Click “Next Step”. Validate an error is shown about an invalid connector key, triggered by our previous misconfiguration.

  15. Choose “Continue and retry”.

  16. The workflow should continue polling the translation state without issues.

Scenario: GCC Backend Error Handling (Submission Error State)

This test is about submissions within the GCC backend, which are in an error state. This has been observed, for example, when trying to send a submission with instructions containing characters from the Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP).

Alternative Scenario: The given manual test steps “mock” this state, as we cannot ensure that an error persists over time. If you want to test the real-life behavior, you may choose using the “default” rather than the “mock” type and instead of using mock.error, you may use the submissionInstruction.characterType setting. Set it to unicode and add some SMP characters to the instructions (thus, workflow notes), like for example, the dove emoji: 🕊.

Advantage: The advantage of the real-world scenario is, that you may also test, that a submission in an error state may still be canceled.

Quick Steps

  1. Log in as Rick C.
  2. Use mock type.
  3. Set mock.error to SUBMISSION_ERROR. For a quick path, you may skip the extra submission state mocking as sketched in the detailed steps.
  4. Start a translation of an article.
  5. Open the started workflow process.
  6. Expect a user-task “Download error” and accept it.
  7. Validate that a localized error message like “General submission failure” is shown.

Detailed Steps

  1. Log in as Rick C.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink

    1. type is set to mock
    2. mock.error is set to SUBMISSION_ERROR
    3. Submission State Mocking: Add (or activate) the following mock settings (optional step, but recommended to test closer to the real-world scenario):
        # [...]
            override: Pre-Process
            # Mark as final to ease mocking here. Prevents further states,
            # though, which is, that you also cannot cancel the submission
            # in this mocked scenario.
            final: true
  3. Start a translation for an article.

  4. Open the workflow in Workflow App via nagbar shown in the article.

  5. Wait until the current task is “Download error” and offered to you.

  6. Accept the task.

  7. Click the error issue information and see a “General submission failure.”

In the real-world scenario, you may now continue like to “Abort and rollback changes” as most likely, the submission cannot be repaired. This is not possible in this simple mocked scenario, though.

Scenario: XLIFF Import Error Handling

  1. Log in as Rick C.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink

    1. type is set to mock
    2. mock.error is set to DOWNLOAD_XLIFF
  3. Start a translation for an article.

  4. Wait for the workflow to appear in Workflow App’s “Open” workflows

    1. The icon should be a warning sign
  5. Open the workflow details:

    1. Field “Current Task” should be “Download error”
    2. In the section “More”, a download link for the broken XLIFF should be shown under “Issue Details”
  6. Click the XLIFF download link

    1. Both the XLIFF and an issue details text file should be included
  7. Click “Accept Task” and “Next Step”

    1. You should have the ability to “Abort and rollback changes” or “Continue and retry”

Scenario: Redelivered State Handling

It has been observed, that, if the XLIFF is broken, it is not necessarily fixed within the GCC backend. Instead, the workflow is marked as “Redelivered”, and the XLIFF is provided by different means, such as sent via email.

The following steps simulate this scenario:

  1. Log in as Rick C.

  2. Open the GlobalLink settings /Settings/Options/Settings/Translation Services/GlobalLink

    1. type is set to mock
    2. Set retryCommunicationErrors to 0 (assumed to ease state mocking)
    3. mock.error is set to DOWNLOAD_XLIFF
    4. Submission State Mocking: Add (or activate) the following mock settings:

        # [...]
            # Directly after "Completed" state, the submission is marked as
            # "Redelivered".
              # We need to duplicate the state, as otherwise you may observe
              # the "Review Redelivered Translation" task, to be triggered
              # directly after "Completed" and not, after we got into the
              # error handling task.
              - Completed
              - Redelivered
            # Mark the state as final, not to continue with the next
            # (standard) state.
            final: true

      Side Note For now, we accept the duplicate state. We may want to review, though, if processing (or mocking) can be optimized here.

  3. Start a translation for an article.

  4. Wait for the workflow to appear in Workflow App’s “Open” workflows

  5. Double-click the workflow

    1. Field “Current Task” should be “Review Translation (redelivered)”
    2. Status should be “Redelivered”
    3. In the section “More”, a download link for the broken XLIFF should be shown under “Issue Details” (if you skipped setting mock.error the field is not available).
  6. Click the XLIFF download link

    1. Both the XLIFF and an issue details text file should be included
  7. In the Workflow App, click “Accept Task”, “Next Step”, “Finish Content Localization”, and “Yes, continue”

    1. The workflow should disappear from “Open”
    2. The workflow should appear in “Closed”

Consider Cleanup

If you have time and want to do it: In Project Director you may multi-select submissions, cancel them and subsequently archive them. This way, the overview at least in Project Director is kept clean.

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