
CoreMedia Headless Client Documentation

Documentation / Concepts


The following sections give you some more detailed information about the concepts behind the workspace and the Spark app.

Workspace Structure

How the source code and files are structured.

Apollo Client for GraphQL

How to use the Apollo client to fetch data from the CoreMedia Headless Server.

Standard component layout

By default, components in this app consist of:

Responsive Images

CoreMedia Headless Server supports images with different crops and sizes based on the Responsive Image Settings.

The easiest way to integrate responsive images is to use a React component to render an HTML <picture> tag with different <source> tags. You don’t need any JavaScript based calculation. The example app specifies separate components like, HeroResponsiveImage.tsx for different usages and adds CSS with the same aspect ratio to avoid flickering of the page during the download of the images. It also uses the new loading="lazy" property, supported by all modern browsers.

The script pnpm apollo:download-crops will download the available crops and sizes to src/__downloaded__/image-crops.json. You can use this file as a reference for your components.


The SiteContextProvider is responsible for loading global data and offering this data to child components via React.useContext.

Currently, the following data is available:

View Dispatching

How to use the CoreMedia Content Type Model and view types to initialize the view models and delegate to the render components.

Studio Preview Integration

How to integrate the app into CoreMedia Studio, enable Preview Driven Editing, show a responsive device slider, highlight placements and render a fragmented preview for a content item.

CoreMedia Campaigns

How to integrate CoreMedia campaigns into the app and how to preview campaigns.

CoreMedia Byside Integration

How to integrate CoreMedia Byside into the app.