
CoreMedia Headless Client Documentation

Documentation / Concepts / CoreMedia Campaigns

CoreMedia Campaigns

A campaign is a way to schedule content from CoreMedia Content Cloud to be visible on different, predefined slots on a website for a specific event.

Campaigns are available via GraphQL. The Spark app supports campaigns via the stitching server out of the box on predefined pages.


To enable campaigns in the Spark app, add the following environment variable to the .env file.


Don’t forget to configure the endpoint and authentication token in the stitching server. For more details, check the stitching server campaign docs. Otherwise, the GraphQL queries will fail and the whole app will not work.

Supported queries

The Spark app supports the following campaign GraphQL queries:

The property siteId from SiteContext is used for the parameter site, channelType for the type page, and the navigation breadcrumb of categories and products, or the UUID of a content page as refinements.

For example the category “Men” on the site “Calista” uses the following GraphQL variables for the query campaignContent:

  "site": "ced8921aa7b7f9b736b90e19afc2dd2a",
  "channelType": "category-page",
  "refinements": [

Supported types and slots

Campaigns can be configured for different pages and slots. Not all are preconfigured. The following table shows, which slots of campaigns are displayed in the app:

Channel-Type, Page Refinements Slots Layout
UUID of the content hero above the “hero” placement
placement1 above the “placement1” placement
“hero” as HeroBanner
“placement1” as LeftRightBanner
Navigation Breadcrumb as Array main below category title,
sidebar below filters on the left
“main” as HeroBanner
“sidebar” as SquareBanner
Navigation Breadcrumb as Array banner above the product,
tab, and
additional below the product
“banner” as HeroBanner
“tab”, and
“additional” as LeftRightBanner

The following slot and channel-type are not supported:


During development Spark is running automatically in the preview mode. So it uses the campaign preview queries too, until you explicitly disable it with an environment variable VITE_PREVIEW=false.

In preview mode you can also use time travel to test content and campaigns for future dates. All you need to do, is to add a preview date as an ISO String to the URL via previewDateISO, like https://localhost:5173/calista/?previewDateISO=<YYYY-MM-DD>T00:00:00.000Z.

You can also preview a single campaign by adding a campaign ID as a query string parameter campaignId to the URL, like https://localhost:5173/calista/?campaignId=<UUID-of-the-campaign>.

If you configure the “Multi Preview Settings” for Spark, the same features will work in CoreMedia Studio Preview and in the Campaign App Preview. You can enable the preconfigured “SPA Preview” setting (below All Content/Settings/Options/Settings/Multi Preview/) in the blueprint content.