
CoreMedia Headless Stitching Server Documentation

Documentation / CoreMedia Campaigns

CoreMedia Campaigns

A campaign is a way to schedule content from CoreMedia Content Cloud to be visible on different, predefined slots on a website for a specific event.

“CoreMedia Campaigns” is a cloud-native SaaS application available via GraphQL. It’s a perfect fit for the GraphQL endpoint of CoreMedia Content Cloud Headless Server and can easily be integrated into the stitching server.


The stitching server supports CoreMedia Campaigns out of the box, if the following environment variables are defined:

CAMPAIGN_AUTHORIZATION_ID=<your-campaign-delivery-preview-token or your-campaign-delivery-token>

Please be aware, preview queries are only available if you use a preview authorization token. Otherwise, you will get an “Unauthorized” error.

Starting the stitching server via pnpm start will merge all three endpoints together and the output should look like the following example:

[INFO]  Fetching schemas from GraphQL endpoints
[INFO]  Loading schema from https://<your-cmcc-headless-server>/graphql (Headless Server).
[INFO]  Successfully loaded schema from coreMediaHeadlessServerEndpoint.
[INFO]  Loading schema from http://localhost:5000/graphql (Headless Commerce Server).
[INFO]  Successfully loaded schema from commerceCatalogEndpoint.
[INFO]  Campaign Service enabled.
[INFO]  Loading schema from (Campaign Service).
[INFO]  Successfully loaded schema from campaignServiceEndpoint.
[INFO]  Stitching server started on: http://localhost:4000/graphql


The Delivery GraphQL API of CoreMedia Campaigns returns assignment objects containing a list of content items, which only hold the UUID of the referenced CoreMedia content. The content UUID is stitched via field content to the real content data in resolvers.ts.

Example query for CoreMedia Campaigns including content as CMTeasable via stitching:

query example($siteId: String!, $channelType: String!, $refinements: [String!]) {
  campaignContent(site: $siteId, channelType: $channelType, refinements: $refinements) {
    slots {
      assignment {
        items {
          content {

For detailed usage in the client app, please check the campaign docs for Spark.