
CoreMedia Headless Client Documentation

Documentation / Concepts / Standalone Fragment Application

Standalone Fragment Application

Given that you have configured the Multi Preview as described here, open the CoreMedia Studio and navigate to the content which you wish to integrate into the external website. Choose “Standalone Fragment Preview”. You should now see the fragment preview and a JavaScript snippet that can be copied to a Tag Manager Solution and adjusted to your needs.

  var hfs = document.createElement('script')
  hfs.src = 'https://<prod-app-domain>/standalone/cm-headless-fragment.js'
  hfs.onload = function() { headlessFragment.render("<contentId>", "cm-headless-fragment", "https://<prod-app-domain>");}
<div id="cm-headless-fragment"></div> 

You will probably have to change the following values:

Deployment and Development

This app is build into the library headlessFragment and is copied next to the index.html for the Studio Preview into the dist folder. It is also copied to the Dockerfile and is available below the path standalone/.

This app does not include a development server at the moment. Just run pnpm build and open the html file and adjust the parameters to get a quick preview.