Plugin to support images from CoreMedia RichText.

The plugin takes the xlink:href represented in the data-view by data-xlink-href and writes it to the model.

The model attribute afterward will be downcast to the editing-view where it is represented by the src-attribute of the img-tag.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • editor: default

    Returns ContentImageEditingPlugin

    Inherit Doc


IMAGE_INLINE_MODEL_ELEMENT_NAME: "imageInline" = "imageInline"
XLINK_HREF_DATA_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: "data-xlink-href" = "data-xlink-href"
XLINK_HREF_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: "xlink-href" = "xlink-href"
openImageInTab: "openImageInTab" = openImageInTabCommandName

Command name for bound openImageInTab.

pluginName: "ContentImageEditingPlugin" = ...
requires: (typeof default | typeof default | typeof ModelBoundSubscriptionPlugin)[] = ...


  • Registers support for the xlink:href attribute for element img in RichText.

    xlink:href is represented in the data-view as data-xlink-href and in model as xlink-href. When downcast to the editing-view, it will be resolved to the image src-attribute by fetching the URL from the BlobDisplayService

    Returns void