A Plugin to override default behavior for user action on links in CKEditor.

CKEditor default for ctrl + click or alt + enter opens the underlying link in a new browser tab. For external links it is fine, but content links should be opened in a new work area tab, because browsers do not know how to handle them.

Per default, in read only mode links are clickable (but not selectable for keyboard events) and are opened in the same tab. For content links nothing happens as # is loaded as the same page but external links are opened and users lose the CMS context. Therefore, this plugin overrides the behavior and opens external links in a new browser tab instead of the same tab and content links in a new work area tab.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • editor: default

    Returns LinkUserActionsPlugin

    Inherit Doc


LOG: Logger = ...
pluginName: "LinkUserActionsPlugin" = ...
requires: never[] = []
