CKEditor 5 Link Feature Extension Point

CKEditor 5 does not provide extension points for adding for sophisticated behaviors to links. Here you will find the extension points required by the CKEditor plugins provided here.


The central API when it comes to deal with attributes in relation to links is the plugin LinkAttributes.

In short, you register a custom attribute by its view representation (data and editing view) along with a representation in the model. The plugin will register corresponding up- and downcast rules and incorporates best practices regarding the priorities and model attribute prefixes, to smoothly integrate with the CKEditor 5 link feature.

Unless CKEditor 5 provides its own solution for registering such attributes, it is recommended using this plugin for any additional attribute bound to links.

For details, consult the corresponding class level documentation.


Challenge: If you provide additional attributes for links (i.e., texts with linkHref model attribute), you may want to automatically remove them, when the attribute got removed by the UnlinkCommand, for example.

Yet you want only one Undo-step for the removal of both attributes; i.e., undoing one unlink action has to restore both attributes, your custom one and linkHref.

Solution: The solution is registering a post-fixer at CKEditor's document instance. And to ease this approach, you may use the LinkCleanup plugin. You can register any attribute, which must not exist without the corresponding linkHref attribute:


LinkCleanup is automatically invoked from LinkAttributes. Unless you need more fine-grained control in contrast to that one provided by LinkAttributes (such as different downcasting to data view and to editing view), LinkCleanup is not required to be used directly.

CKEditor 5 Link Common

API Documentation

Module: @coremedia/ckeditor5-link-common

This module contains some assistive tooling around @ckeditor/ckeditor5-link API to ease integration with the link feature.





Type Aliases
